take stock

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


take stock

  1. tutkia, tarkistaa, tarkkailla, arvioida, tarkastella, tutkiskella, tutkia tarkasti, kirjata, merkitä luetteloon, inventoida, luetteloida, laskea varasto.

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inventoida To scrutinize or size up something; to assess a situation.
2014 August 11, w:Dave Itzkoff, "http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/12/movies/robin-williams-oscar-winning-comedian-dies-at-63.html?ref=obituaries Robin Williams, Oscar-Winning Comedian, Dies at 63 in Suspected Suicide," New York Times

In 2009, he underwent heart surgery for an aortic valve replacement at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, an event that Mr. Williams said caused him to take stock of his life.
Leslie Stephen
At the outset of any inquiry it is proper to take stock of the results obtained by previous explorers of the same field.


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